ARHP periodically organises and participates in roundtables and discussions on relevant areas of its work. In this section, you can find information and streaming details of upcoming events together with a video archive of past events.

Bridging the emergency gap: what will it take?
International Peace Institute (IPI), New York
to watch a recording of the event click here :

The Nexus Explained
On 12 April, the first session of the new learning stream on the humanitarian-development-peace nexus took place, jointly organized by ICVA and PHAP. The event explored how humanitarian action can contribute to development and peace efforts and considered some of the risks and challenges involved in changing ways of working and pursuing collective outcomes.

Strengthening Humanitarian Response in Insecure Settings
International Peace Institute (IPI), New York

The challenges of localised aid in conflict
Overseas Development Institute (ODI) & Active Learning Network for Accountability and Performance in Humanitarian Action (ALNAP), London

Round table ‘Changes in Humanitarian Medical Practice in Highly Insecure Settings’
La Casa Encendida Auditorium, Madrid